Chapter VI: Workers’ and Employers’ Organizations
Article 130: In order to propagate and spread Islamic culture and defend the Islamic Revolution’s achievements, and in order to implement Article 26 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, workers in productive, industrial, agricultural, service, and craft units may take measures towards founding Islamic Societies.
Note 1: Islamic Societies may, in order to coordinate the performance of their duties and their methods of propaganda, take measures towards founding coordinating committees of Islamic Societies on the provincial level and a supreme coordinating council of Islamic Societies for the whole country.
Note 2: The bylaws and organizational procedures, the limits of duties and powers, and the manner of activity of the Islamic Societies mentioned in this article must be drafted by the Ministries of the Interior and of Labor and Social Affairs and the Organization of Islamic Propaganda, to be confirmed by the cabinet.
Article 131: In implementing Article 26 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in order to protect the workers’ and employers’ rights and legitimate and legal interests and improve their economic condition, a trade or an industry may take measures to form craft associations.
Note 1: In order to coordinate the performance of their obligatory and legal duties, the craft associations may take measures towards the founding of coordinating committees of craft associations on the provincial level and a supreme coordinating council of craft associations for the whole country.
Note 2: As soon as they are organized, all craft associations and related committees are obliged to draft a founding charter, adhering to legal provisions, raising and confirming it in a public meeting, and turning it over to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs for confirmation.
Note 3: All the representatives of the employers in Iran will be chosen for the Supreme Labor Council, the Supreme Social Security Council, the Supreme Technical Safety and Labor Health Council, the International Labor Conference, etc. by the Supreme Council of the Craft Association of Employers, should it have been organized. Otherwise, the representatives will be introduced by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs.
Note 4: The workers of a unit may have one of either an Islamic Labor Council, a Craft Society, or a workers’ representative.
Note 5: The bylaws and organizational procedures, the limits of duties and powers, and the manner of activity of the craft associations and the related committees must be drafted by the Supreme Labor Council within the space of at most one month after the confirmation of this law and confirmed by the cabinet.
Note 6: The bylaw on the manner of electing the representatives mentioned in Note 3 of this article shall be confirmed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs within the space of a month after the confirmation of this law.
Article 132: In order to supervise and participate in implementing Article 31 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as on the basis of the relevant content of Article 43 of the Constitution, workers in productive, craft, industrial, service, and agricultural units which are included under the Labor Law may take measures towards the formation of housing cooperative companies.
Note: Workers’ housing cooperative companies may take measures towards the organization of a coordinating committee of workers housing cooperative companies of each province. Each province may take measures towards the formation of a Supreme Coordinating Committee of Workers’ Housing Cooperatives of the Country (Central Union of Workers Housing Cooperatives, ASKAN). The Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs and of Housing and Urban Construction and Administration are obliged to cooperate with the ASKAN union, and the founding charter of the aforementioned companies will be confirmed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Article 133: For the sake of supervising and participating in implementing the content of Articles 43 and 44 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran related to distribution and consumption, the workers of productive, craft, industrial, service, and agricultural units covered by the Labor Law may take measures towards creating workers’ cooperative consumer (or distributor) cooperatives.
Note: Workers’ consumption (distribution) cooperative companies may take measures towards the organization of a coordinating committee of workers’ housing cooperative companies of each province. Each province may take measures towards the formation of a Supreme Coordinating Committee of Workers’ Consumption (Distribution) Cooperatives of the Country (Central Union of Workers Consumption (Distribution) Cooperatives, AMKAN). The Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs and of Health, Medicine, and Medical Training and the Social Security Organization are obliged to cooperate with the AMKAN union and the founding charter of the aforementioned companies will be confirmed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Article 134: In order to review and pursue craft and social problems and difficulties and the proper implementation of that part of the content of Article 29 of the Constitution, which guarantees the protection of rights and the securing of interests and benefiting from health and medication services and medical examinations, retired workers and managers may take separate measures towards founding provincial workers’ and managers’ centers.
Note 1: Provincial workers’ and managers’ centers may take measures towards founding a Supreme Committees of Retired Workers and Managers of the Country.
Note 2: The Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs and of Health, Medicine, and Medical Training and the Social Security Organization are obliged to cooperate with the Supreme Committees of Retired Workers and Managers of the Country.
Article 135: In order to create unity of policy and coordination in affairs and exchange views on how to execute freedoms and responsibilities, Islamic Labor Councils may take steps towards organizing Coordinating Committees and Islamic Labor Councils in the provinces and a Supreme Coordinating Committee of Islamic Labor Councils throughout the country.
Note: The bylaws and organizational procedures, the limits of duties and powers, and the manner of activity of the Islamic Societies and the related committees must be drafted by the Ministries of the Interior and of Labor and Social Affairs and by the Islamic Propaganda Organization and confirmed by the cabinet.
Article 136: All the official workers’ representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the International Labor Organization, Arbitration Panels , Conflict Resolution Panels, the Supreme Council for Social Security, the Supreme Council for Technical Safety, etc., as the case may be, shall be elected by the Supreme Committee of the Islamic Labor Councils, the Supreme Committee of the Workers’ Craft Councils, or a meeting of the workers’ representatives.
Note 1: The executive bylaws of this article will be drafted by the Supreme Labor Council and confirmed by the cabinet.
Note 2: Should the Supreme Workers’ and Employers’ Councils mentioned in this chapter not have been created, the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs may take measures towards choosing the aforementioned representatives of these supreme organizations, councils, and committees.
Article 137: For the sake of coordination and the proper implementation of their relevant duties, the employers’ and workers’ organizations mentioned in this chapter of the law may take separate measures towards the creation of central organizations.
Note: The electoral bylaws of the Central Council and the founding charter of the central organizations of managers, as well as those of workers, will be drafted separately by a commission composed of representatives of the Supreme Labor Council, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and confirmed by the cabinet.
Article 138: The Office of the Velayat-e Faqih shall, should it deem it expedient, have a representative in each of [these] organizations.