Note: Key concepts are defined at the bottom of this page.
- New pensioners and deceased retirees of the State Retirement Fund by sex: 1375-1385 (1991-2006)
- Households and People Inside Iran who are Supported by the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation
- Aid recipients benefiting from services rendered by units of the State Welfare Organization: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- Non-government centers providing services under supervision of the State Welfare Organization by province: 1380–1385 (2001–2006)
- Aid recipients benefiting from services rendered by non-government centers under the supervision of the State Welfare Organization by province: 1380–1385 (2001–2006)
Units and aid recipients supported by Emam Khomeini Relief Committee, pensions paid and other payments: 1375-1385 (1996-2006)
- Services rendered to aid recipients and amounts paid by Imam Khomeini Relief Committee: 1375-1385 (1996-2006)
- Shaheed Household and total persons supported by Martyr and Devotees’ Affairs Foundation: 1375-1385 (1996-2006)
- Pensioner households supported by Martyr and Devotees’ Affairs Foundation and amount paid: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- Services rendered to households supported by Martyr and Devotees’ Affairs Foundation and amount paid: 1375-1385 (1996-2006)
- Number of Janbazan supported by Martyr and Devotees’ Affairs Foundation by percentage of disability at the end of the year: 1375-1385 (1996-2006)
- Number of articles and artificial limbs made or repaired by prosthetics establishments or the Red Crescent Society of the I. R. of Iran: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- Outpatients visiting clinics of the Red Crescent Society of the I. R. of Iran by type of cost payment and practitioner: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- Establishments covered by the Social Security Organization by type of insurance at the end of the year: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- The principal insured persons covered by the Social Security Organization by sex and type of insurance at the end of the year: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- The principal insured persons covered by the Social Security Organization by type of insurance and province at the end of the year: 1385 (2006)
- Work-related injured persons covered by the Social Security Organization by industry: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- Cash aids and compensations paid to the insured persons covered by the Social Security Organization: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- Number of retirees of the State Retirement Fund by educational level at the end of the year: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
- New pensioners and deceased retirees of the State Retirement Fund by the ministry or institution: 1385 (2006)
•Social services: a collection of non-insurance services provided to help low-income groups and the needy to meet their basic requirements.
•Social services complex: a department which provides two or more support services to aid recipients under the support programme for guardianless households and the needy.
•Guardianless children: children who are deprived of any eligible and effective guardian temporarily or permanently (Children and Women Supporting Law).
•Day-care centres: institutions, according to the regulations and permission of the Welfare Organization of Ostan, which provide services such as taking care of children, training them and identifying and developing their talents biologically, psychologically and socially in three age groups of infants (3-24 months old), toddlers (2-3 years old) and young children (3-7 years old).
•Youths and young adults programme: refers to planning and monitoring the educational, cultural and athletic programmes in welfare complexes in deprived and disadvantaged areas to help youths and young adults from covered families plan their leisure time, improve their sociability, and become more refined.
•Rehabilitation services: a collection of medical, paramedical, educational, professional, and social services to improve the potential abilities of the disabled.
•Seda-ye- Moshaver (Consultation Call Centre): institutions which try to settle conflicts of callers, solve their psychological and social problems and enhance their psychological health and life quality through by psychological health specialists (consultant, psychologist, aid worker and psychiatrist).
•Genetic consultation centre: places providing genetic tests and consultation to pregnant women as well as couples (before and after marriage) to prevent any genetic disorders.
•Preventive services: a series of measures taken to thwart the outbreak and/or progress of a certain phenomenon in a particular community.
•Teaching of communication between family and deaf children: Teaching deaf children and their parents the specific communicative methods for the deaf such as lip-reading, sign language, concept understanding, and strengthening sensory, physical and intellectual powers and other related matters including the ways of children’s adaptation to the environment.
•Shahid Rajaee project: a programme for financial support of the poor old rural dwellers and nomads, aged 60 or over and their dependents. Those covered by the programme receive a monthly pension in cash or kind.
•Rehabilitation instrument: instruments such as wheelchairs and glasses that help a person with disability use his/her own abilities to carry out his/her personal affairs.
•Self-reported addict: the person dependent on the narcotics willingly refers to the addiction rehabilitation and treatment centre.
•Self-sufficient day-care centre: institutions which are established by government agencies, institutes and factories according to the regulations to provide services to the workers of the same agencies for training their children, and identifying and developing their talents biologically, psychologically and socially.
•Rural day-care centre: private day-care centres operating in rural areas.
•Aid project: a programme for regular or ad hoc financial support of guardianless households, and households with disabled or handicapped head with regard to their needs.
•Medical services: services such as outpatient treatment, hospitalization, filling a prescription, transferring patients, granting rehabilitation aid articles, delivery facilities, etc. provided to the households qualified to receive medical aids.
•Self-sufficiency loan: a loan (or grant-in-aid) paid to the households covered by Emam Khomeini Relief Committee who are active in the field of weaving (including weaving of carpets, Geleem, and Jajim), tailoring, animal husbandry, agriculture, etc.
•Shahed: All persons who were martyred, missing or captive in the course of continuation of Islamic Revolution and protection of its achievements and/or defence of the I.R.Iran’s territorial integrity against threats and aggressions of enemies, anti-revolution agents and the wicked.
•Devotees: Shahed, Janbazan and Azadegan’s households covered by Martyr and Devotee’s Affairs Foundation.
•Percentage of disability: the extent of physical and mental disability of Janbazan (the war handicapped) determined by the Medical Commission. In the State Employment Act, a 100 percent Janbaz is considered ”disabled“.
•Government establishment: the institutions established according to the law and administered under government management, whose whole budget or at least 51 percent of which is provided from government credits. Government organizations and ministries with full budget from government funds, and institutions such as Varamin Sugar Company or Carpet Company with more than half of the investment by the government are some examples.
•Non-government establishment: an establishment run by natural or legal persons which could be public or private. Those in public sector are self-sufficient in their budgets and are usually supervised by the government, but are not considered governmental. Some examples are municipalities, Red Crescent Society of the I.R. of Iran, and establishments and companies under National Industries Organization.
•Establishments with contractual insurance: an establishment which undertakes a part of Social Security Organization commitments against its own staff and in return the Organization reimburses a relative percentage of the insurance premium to the employer.
•Establishments with non-contractual insurance: an establishment for which all related commitments of the Social Security Organization are fulfilled by the Organization itself.
•Voluntary insurance: all individuals who have formerly paid insurance premiums for at least one year and are at present own account workers, may, if interested, rejoin the insured population.
•Insurance for own-account occupations: an insurance specific to those who are either employer or own-account worker, and their involvement in a certain occupation is certified either by an occupation certificate issued by authorized officials or by board of directors of the Social Security Organization and are not subject to special support programmes.
•Unemployment insurance: Under the Social Security Act, the Social Security Organization is bound to pay unemployment allowance to the insured eligible workers who are temporarily unemployed but are looking for a job.
•Compensation of payment: the compensatory money legally paid to the insured during pregnancy, illness, and temporary disability for not receiving wage or salary.
•Marriage aid: the money paid to the insured according to certain regulations to cover a part of the marriage expenditures.
•Physical disability compensation: a lump sum paid to the insured to compensate for their disability or income reduction.
•Total disability: losing working ability by the insured so that they are unable to make at least 1/3 of the income they used to gain from keeping on their former job or doing a new job.
•Partial disability: losing of working ability by the insured so that while keeping on their former job or doing a new job, they lose only a part of their income.
•Insured dependents of the government employee: the dependents of all persons subject to the State Employment Law who pay a percentage of their salary, as retirement reductions, to the State Retirement Fund so that the dependents can benefit from medical insurance of Medical Services Insurance Organization under the Fund.
•The self-employed insured persons: all self-employed persons, professionals and insurance applicants who do not benefit from any kind of insurance such as Medical Services Insurance Organization, Social Security, Armed Forces or Emam Khomeini Relief Committee, but pay the total approved 100 percent per capita premium and receive a medical card.
•Urban hospitalized insured persons: all persons not covered by any kind of insurance such as Social Security, Armed Forces, Emam Khomeini Relief Committee or their insurances can take an action for being covered by the Self-employed Insurances Fund entitled Urban Hospitalized Insured Persons. Accordingly, they and their dependents will be eligible to benefit from hospitalized services in the university’s hospitals by receiving an insurance card.
•Rural insured persons: all persons who are living in villages and have been staying in the village for at least 6 months as well as nomads will be covered by medical insurance of Medical Services Insurance Organization under villagers’ fund.
•Insured persons from other walks of life: groups who have received a medical card due to contract between their insured party and Medical Services Insurance Organization or the affiliated general departments. They include the martyr’s families, Janbazans, religious students, clergymen, university students, aid recipients of welfare organization subject to Manpower and the Medical System Members Plan.
•Retirement: the unemployment of the State Retirement Fund members or the Social Security Organization insured persons who are by law qualified to stop working after their working span.
•Pension: payments regularly made under the law to the insured persons or to the qualified survivors of the insured persons deceased to meet their requirements.
•Members of the State Retirement Fund: every employee is considered a member of the State Retirement Fund since their probation period till the last day a heir of them receives pension.
•Deceased working member of the State Retirement Fund: a member passed away before retirement with at least one heir subject to the law of receiving pension.
•Deceased retired member of the State Retirement Fund: a member passed away after retirement or inability with at least one heir subject to the law of receiving pension.