Official Election Results
The official results were posted by the Ministry of Interior on June 15, 2009. The three losing candidates strongly challenged the validity of these results. The official results lead to the largest demonstrations in Iran’s post-1979 history, including the large rally of June 15, which according to official reports was attended by more than 1 million people.
Detailed Election Data
The detailed election data for each province was obtained from the official website of the Ministry of Interior at www.moi.ir on June 22, 2009.
From right to left, the columns contain the following information: Name of Province, Name of Town, Name of District, Number of Ballot Box, Number of Votes for Ahmadinejad, Number of Votes for Rezai, Number of Votes for Karroubi, Number of Votes for Mousavi, Number of Valid Votes, Number of Invalid Votes, Number of Total Votes.
Eligible Voters
The table contains the number of eligible voters in all provinces in the 2009 Presidential Election in comparison to the 2005 Majlis Election.
Candidates’ Observing Representatives
The Table on the Number of Candidates’ Observing Representatives at Polling Stations was obtained from the official website of the Ministry of Interior at www.moi.ir.
From right to left, the table contains the following information: Rank, Name of Province, Number of Ahmadinejad’s Representatives, Number of Rezai’s Representatives, Number of Karroubi’s Representatives, Number of Mousavi’s Representatives, Total Number.