The List “Legal Parties and Organizations” was compiled by Mehrzad Boroujerdi and Kourosh Rahimkhani as part of an ongoing research project on Iranian political elite supported by the United State Institute for Peace.
PLEASE CITE AS FOLLOWS: Iran Data Portal, List of Legal Parties and Organizations, by Mehrzad Boroujerdi and Kourosh Rahimkhani, https://irandataportal.syr.edu/legal-parties-and-organizations.
Explanatory Notes:
1. This database was compiled based on:
- The Iranian Ministry of Interior’s (MoI) list of registered political organizations (Edare-ye Kol-e Siyasi Vezarat-e Keshvar, Moshakhasat-e Tashakolha-ye Siyasi), available at http://www.moi.ir/Portal/Home/ [accessed on 12/28/2011]
- Ali Darabi, Jariyanshenasi-ye Siyasi dar Iran [Political Currents in Contemporary Iran], 4th ed. Tehran: Sazman-e Entesharat va Pazhuheshgah-e Farhang va Andisheh-ye Eslami, 1388/2009, pp. 599-632.
- Internet research
- Telephone interviews with a number of Secretary Generals of the Political Parties
2. Since the list only includes the officially recognized political parties, a number of important organizations/groupings whose licenses were revoked, were disbanded or never registered with the Ministry of Interior as a political entity do not appear in this list. Included in this category are such organizations as Abadgaran Iran-e Eslami, Hezb-e Jebheh-ye Mosharekat -e Iran-e Eslami, Jame`eh-ye Modarresin-e Howzeh-ye Elmiyyeh Qom, Jame’eh-ye Ruhaniyyat-e Mobarez-e Tehran, Jam’iyyat-e Defa’ Az Arzeshha-ye Enqelab-e Eslami, and Sazman-e Mojahedin-e Enqelab-e Eslami-ye Iran.
3. The numbers in the first column on the left refer to the order in which the parties were listed in the MoI source mentioned above.
4. In addition to the names of the organization, the database lists the general mandate of the organization, name of its Secretary General/Leader, the year/city/province where it was registered, and the names of its founding members.
- The categorization of groups has been based on their mandate. Whenever the information was available, we have listed the function and the focus of the group in parenthesis and have used brackets [ ] to identify active political parties.
- The list of founding members is based on information available in Ali Darabi, Jariyanshenasi-ye Siyasi dar Iran [Political Currents in Contemporary Iran], 4th ed. Tehran: Sazman-e Entesharat va Pazhuheshgah-e Farhang va Andisheh-ye Eslami, 1388/2009, pp. 599-632.