- Literate population aged six and over in urban and rural areas by gender and province: 1390 census (2011)
- Literate population aged six and over in urban and rural areas by sex and province: 1385 census (2006)
- Students, teaching and clerical staff of the Ministry of Education by province: academic year 1385-86 (2006-07)
- Students at universities and higher education institutes by broad field of study, sex and academic level: 1370-1386 (1991-2007)
- Students of Islamic Azad University by broad field of study, sex and academic level: 1375-1386 (1996-2007)
- Students at universities and higher education institutes by sex and province: academic year 1385-86 (2006-2007)
- Estimated number of graduates from universities and higher education institutes by sex, age and academic level: 1385 census (2006)
- Graduates from universities and higher education institutes by broad field of study, sex and academic level: 1365-1385 (1986-2006)
- Estimated number of graduates from universities and higher education institutes by sex, broad field of study and academic level: 1385 census (2006)
- Private households by sex of the head of household, number of members and number of literate and illiterate members: 1385 census (2006)
- Full-time and contract teaching staff of universities and higher education institutes by sex: 1365-1385 (1986-2006)
- Full-time and contract teaching staff of universities and higher education institutes by rank: 1365-1385 (1986-2006)
- General upper secondary school students by field of study and province: academic year 1385-1386 (2006-2007)
- Adult learners and classes of literacy movement courses in rural and urban areas: 1370-1385 (1991-2006)
Persons completing courses in permanent centers of technical and vocational training organization: 1375-1385 (1996-2006)
•Literate: all individuals who can read and write a simple text in Farsi or any other language are considered literate. All individuals who had the certificate of the first year primary school in the 1345 National Census of Population and Housing; all the first year primary school beginners and learners of the adult education and literacy campaign in the 1355 National Census of Population and Housing; all the first year primary school beginners and learners of the Adult Literacy Movement in the 1365, 1375, and 1385 National Population and Housing Censuses, and in the 1370 Multi-round Population Survey were enumerated as literate. Literacy has been investigated in the 1335 National Population Census for individuals aged 10 and over, in the 1345 National Census of Population for individuals aged 7 and over, and in the 1355, 1365, 1375, and 1385 National Censuses and 1370 Multi-round Population Survey for individuals aged 6 and over.
•Urban and rural areas and settled population: see Chapter 2, Definitions and concepts.
•Teaching and clerical staff employed in the Ministry of Education: teaching staff comprise teachers, principal teachers, and physical educators, and clerical staff consist of lab and workshop instructors, health workers, extracurricular master, principal, assistant superintendent, librarian, office staff and bookkeeper.
•Education: learning under a formal education programme in Iran or abroad. Thus, learning in non-formal educational sectors (study in private language schools or by private tutor) is not considered as education.
•Special education: education for children and teenagers who are unruly, physically or mentally retarded, and/or suffer from learning disabilities and illness. It encompasses pre-school, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary and technical and vocational training courses.
•Primary education: first education period which begins at the age of 6. Students that pass the 5-year primary education may enroll in lower secondary schools.
•Lower secondary education: a three-year course during which students are instructed in different courses in addition to prerequisite courses of the upper secondary education. Based on the three-year average grade of some specific courses, the student is admitted to one of the two educational courses of “technical and vocational and/or services” and “theoretical education.” After passing the three-year course, the student will receive the lower secondary certificate.
•Upper secondary education (old system): this is a four-year course. Its first year is general and in the second year the students, based on the results of their exams, continue their education in one of the fields of theoretical (humanities, mathematics and physics, and experimental sciences), technical and vocational, or work and knowledge. Students who pass the final exams receive the upper secondary school diploma.
•Upper secondary education (new system): established in academic year 1371-72, the new system gradually replaced the old one. At present, all the upper secondary students are enrolled under the new system. Therefore, this chapter lacks information for the old system students. The new system lasts three years, with the first year (first and second term) general for all fields of study. In the second year (the third term) the students are divided into one of the fields of theoretical (mathematics and physics, empirical sciences, and humanities), technical and vocational, and work and knowledge. The students, after passing the final two-year period, will receive the upper secondary school diploma.
•Pre-university education: a one-year course after completing the upper secondary course during which students may study in one of the three fields of mathematical sciences, empirical sciences or humanities and then take the university entrance exam.
•Evening general education (for adults): the educational level of this course corresponds with the ordinary lower secondary course and lasts 3 years.
•Evening general education (for adults): the educational level of this course corresponds with the ordinary lower secondary course and lasts 3 years.
•Evening complementary education (for adults): education in this course is similar to general or technical and vocational upper secondary education and lasts 4 years.
•Literacy movement preliminary course: refers to the first literacy educational course during which the learner will acquire the Persian alphabet and how to use it for making words in order to read and write simple Persian texts and also learn mathematics for satisfying daily needs.
•Literacy movement complementary course: refers to the second literacy educational course during which the learner with a preliminary course certificate or its equivalent will acquire essential skills and learn how to interact with others through reading and writing words, sentences or Persian simple texts, reading the holy Quran, learning mathematics, and increasing general knowledge.
•Literacy movement final course: refers to the third literacy educational course during which learners with the educational degree or its equivalent will continue their studies, enhance their knowledge, strengthen previously learned lessons and develop essential skills to enter the fifth grade.
•Literacy movement fifth grade: refers to the fourth literacy educational course during which the learners with the final educational certificate or its equivalent as fifth grade pupils at ordinary primary school will acquire essential skills based on formulated curriculum and then enter the higher educational grade after completing the course.
•Learners covered by Literacy Movement Organization: refers to an illiterate and low-literate persons over age 10 who cannot study in the formal education system and enroll in courses of the Literacy Movement Organization.
•Adult learners: refers to the persons aged over 10 who have lagged behind formal education system and enrolled in adult’s courses of Literacy Movement Organization.
•School-age learners: refers to persons of between 7 and 18 years of age who could not attend the ordinary primary school due to a lack of these schools in rural areas or a lack of people of suitable age condition required for such schools. They are taught by Literacy Movement Organization trainers. The education system for the school-age learners of the Literacy Movement Organization is similar to the primary courses of formal education of the country, with 5 grades.
•Learner completing the course: refers to the learner who successfully passed the final exams of the course.
•Teacher training education: the holders of the upper secondary diploma are eligible for entering this two-year education, at the end of which they obtain an associate degree.
•Higher education institute: an organization which provides undergraduate and postgraduate courses and awards certificates/diplomas to the graduates.
•University: an institute of higher education, comprising three faculties at least, or two faculties and two schools. Postgraduate courses are distinctive feature of the universities in comparison with other higher education institutes. Universities, considering type and fields of study, are divided into three groups: comprehensive, specialized and scientific-applied.
•Technical and Vocational Training Organization Trainees: individuals who attend the training centres of the organization for a certain period to acquire a particular vocation, retraining or upgrading skill.
•Technical and Vocational Training Permanent Centres: government places consisting of at least five training workshops with a legal identity and an organizational chart approved by the Management and Planning Organization.