Chapter X: The Supreme Labor Council
Article 167: In the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, a council named the Supreme Labor Council shall be organized. The council’s duty is to implement all the instructions which are a result of this law and the other laws related to it. The council’s membership shall be composed of
a) The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, who shall be the council’s president.
b) Two wise individuals knowledgeable about social and economic issues recommended by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs and confirmed by the cabinet, one of whom shall be chosen from the Supreme Council of Industries.
c) Three representatives of the employers (one to be from the agricultural sector), to be chosen by the employers.
d) Three representatives of the workers (one to be from the agricultural sector), to be chosen by the Supreme Committee of the Islamic Labor Council.
The Supreme Labor Council shall be composed of the above-mentioned people who, with the exception of the Ministers of Labor and Social Affairs, will be elected for a term of two years and whose re-election is permitted.
Note: Each of the members participating in a meeting will have one vote.
Article 168: The Supreme Labor Council shall meet at least once a month. Should it be necessary, extraordinary meetings will be organized at the invitation of the president or at the request of three members of the council. The council meetings shall be considered official in the presence of seven members and its decisions shall be recognized with a majority vote.
Article 169: The Supreme Labor Council has one permanent secretariat. Experts in workers’ and economic, social, and technological problems shall prepare studies related to labor relations and conditions and other studies needed and place them at the disposal of the Supreme Labor Council.
Note: The location of the Supreme Labor Council’s secretariat shall be in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The man in charge of the secretariat will be chosen at the recommendation of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, to be confirmed by the Supreme Labor Council. He shall be the council’s secretary. As secretary, he shall participate without a vote in the Supreme Labor Council’s meetings.
Article 170: Instructions related to how to organize and the administrative procedures of the Supreme Labor Council and the council’s secretary’s duties, as well as how to choose the principal, the alternate worker, and employer members of the Supreme Labor Council will be in accordance with provisions which shall be drafted by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs within a space of at most two months from the date of confirmation of this law and shall confirmed be by the cabinet.