Ayatollah Saanei’s New Statement
I warn all the forces that are meant to protect the order, life, property, and honor of the people, that no ruling or command should act as permission or an excuse to violate people’s rights. It is legally forbidden by Islamic law and it is also considered an unforgivable sin. Obeying the orders of a servant of God that results in a sin against God is forbidden, let alone should this result in beating, wounding, or killing people. These acts will result in God’s punishment both in this world and the next.
13 Tir 1388/4 July 2009
The text of Ayatollah Saanei’s new statement is as it follows:
In the name of the almighty
“And we have brought many natural disasters upon them, until the prophet and the other believers asked where God’s assistance is, [we let them know] that God’s assistance is near”
The dear and honorable people of the Islamic Iran,
During the past few days everyone witnessed the attacks on universities and student dormitories, and the beating, wounding, killing, and imprisonment of many of this country’s children. According to official statistics, twenty individuals have been killed and more than one thousand people have been arrested. We have also witnessed televised confessions from some prisoners by the state media. It is evident to everyone that these confessions, at least because of the fact that the accused are still in prison and their special circumstances, are illegal from Shariah’s point of view and do not and will not hold any logical value. Nevertheless, such injustices, persecutions, injuries, conspiracies, tricks, and lies should not result in despair or hopelessness in the people’s path to claim their legal and religious authority and determine their own destiny. Disappointment in God’s mercy is a major sin and against the Quran’s promise of support and victory to Muslims; “victory is near.”
And why shouldn’t it be? When, despite all the censorship, from limiting news websites to shutting down newspapers, and arresting political activists, and even disconnecting SMS services, the public’s and world’s knowledge of recent events increases every day. This is a result of the intelligent and sound activities of the great Iranian people. I hope that the path of defending people’s rights and protecting their religious beliefs, particularly the youth’s, and protecting the Islamic Republic will continue with wisdom, civility, calmness, security, and persistent dispersion of information. The constitution should be used in its true and real meaning and no excuse should be given to the oppressors. Perseverance is the reason for success. And why shouldn’t it be? The opposition candidates are protesting the authorities responsible for this election, the process and the result of this election, and the Guardian Council’s opinion of the elections. As written in a letter by Hojjatol Islam Al Muslimin, Mr. Karroubi, or in a statement by my dear and pious friend Mr. Mohandes Mousavi, who is the companion of the Imam of the people, from a political and legal approach has questioned and negated the legitimacy of the government. This is a sign of their [Karroubi and Mousavi] lack of satisfaction, and of many other people, who maintain doubts about the election. This has resulted in a reduction of people’s support, which can delegitimize the government. Its continuation might even cause legal and civil problems.
Finally, I warn all the forces that are meant to protect the order, life, property, and honor of the people, that no ruling or command should act as permission or as an excuse to violate people’s rights. It is legally forbidden by Islamic law and it is also considered an unforgivable sin. The obeying of the orders of a servant of God that results in a sin against God is forbidden, let alone should this result in beating, wounding, or killing people. These acts will result in God’s punishment both in this world and the next.
Yousef Saanei
13 Tir 1388
4 July 2009
11 Rajab 1430
Speaker or Agency: Ayatollah Sanei
Language: English
Western Date: 4 July 2009
Persian Date: 13 Tir 1388
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Tags: sanei
Date Last Updated: 13 March 2011