Chapter XII: Miscellaneous provisions
Article 187: Employers are obliged, after the conclusion of a labor contract, in accordance with the worker’s request, to document the completion of the job in accordance with the length of time, the time it began and ended, and the sort of work done, and to submit it to him.
Article 188: People covered by the National Employment Law or other special laws or provisions, as well as workers in family workplaces whose completion of their job is entirely done by the proprietor, the spouse, or a relative of first degree and first class thereof shall not be included in the provisions of this law.
Note: This item shall not be an obstacle to others’ performance of their duties, as set forth in various chapters, concerning the issues elucidated therein.
Article 189: In the agricultural sector, activities related to raising and exploiting fruit trees, various vegetables, forests, grazing land, forest and animal husbandry parks, and the production and raising of flying birds and poultry, sericulture and raising fishes and honey bees and sowing and reaping and other agricultural activities, at the recommendation of the Supreme Labor Council and confirmed by the cabinet, might be removed from partial inclusion in this law at the suggestion of the Supreme Labor Council and with the confirmation of the cabinet.
Article 190: The duration of work, vacations, and leaves and the salaries for fishermen, transport employees (air, land, and sea), household servants and employees, the disabled, and workers in whose form of work wages and income are entirely or in part secured by customers or visitors, as well as workers whose work is by its nature performed at non-consecutive hours, shall be determined in bylaws [drafted by] the Supreme Labor Council and confirmed by the cabinet.
Article 191: Should it be expedient, small workplaces, with fewer than ten people, may be exempted from inclusion under some of this law’s provisions. This expediency and the articles included in the exemption shall be determined by bylaws drafted by the Supreme Labor Council and confirmed by the cabinet.
Article 192: Employers are obliged to prepare and provide the statistics and information required by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in accordance with bylaws confirmed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs within a stipulated period of time.
Article 193: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health, Medication, and Medical Training, in accordance with the perspective of securing a specialized employer cadre and in case of necessity, shall provide the necessary employer training for individuals in units in the field of human relations, labor relations, and labor safety and health.
Article 194: Factory employers are obliged to provide the necessary cooperation to the Resistance Mobilization Force [Basij] of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution [Revolutionary Guards].
Article 195: In order to encourage the workers’ forces of productivity, expertise, innovation, and initiative, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is obliged to select a Model Worker of the Year every year as appropriate.
Note: The regulations for implementing this article and the means of rewarding model worker and planning for the ordinary expenses related to this shall be determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Article 196: In order to increase the awareness and intellectual development of the workers and develop their practical and intellectual expertise in fields of knowledge and industry, agriculture, and service, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is obliged to prepare the necessary films, slideshows, and other educational material, and make it available through the radio, television, and mass media or any other means necessary.
Article 197: The government is obliged, taking into consideration its resources, to provide the necessary inducements to workers who are intent upon migrating from the city to the countryside and do agricultural work.
Article 198: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs may, in emergency circumstances, choose a labor attaché in Iranian embassies in order to organize the Iranian labor force abroad.
Note 1: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs shall determine the labor attaché and, after obtaining the agreement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he shall be chosen and dispatched.
Note 2: The Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs and of Foreign Affairs and the Organization of Administrative and Employment Affairs shall draft executive bylaws for this matter and have them confirmed by the cabinet after this law is confirmed.
Article 199: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is obliged to draft the bylaws related to this law within the space of six months after it is confirmed and have them confirmed by the authorities mentioned in this law.
Note: The group of executive bylaws of the labor law confirmed in 26/12/1337 [17 March 1959] which do not contradict this law’s provisions are to remain in force until the confirmation of the bylaws mentioned in this article.
Article 200: With the confirmation of this law and its executive bylaws, the labor laws and agrarian labor laws which contradict this law shall be annulled.
Article 201: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs must communicate all the rights and duties mentioned in this law for the information of the workers and employers in appropriate ways.
Article 202: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is obliged to draw up a plan concerning its organizations in accordance with the new Labor Law and have it ratified by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Article 203: The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the judiciary are responsible for implementing this law.
Note: The content of this article shall not remove the obligations and responsibilities from the relevant ministries, foundations, and government workplaces which devolve upon them according to this law and the other laws.