[Question 1048]: What is the decision on initiating jihad in the Age of the Occlusion of the Infallible Imam (PBUH)? Is it permissible for a fully-qualified capable faqih (the Muslims’ Custodian of the Age) to issue such a command?
Answer: It is not strange that a command for the initiation of a jihad to be issued by a fully-qualified faqih who has the post of the Muslims’ Custodian of the Age, should the exigencies require it to be permitted; indeed, it is the stronger opinion.
[Question 1049]: What is the decision on taking measures without obtaining parental consent to defend Islam when it is determined to be in danger?
Answer: Defending Islam is obligatory and is not dependent upon parental permission, but at the same time, it is proper that people obtain their consent as best they can.
[Question 1050]: Do the People of the Book who live in Islamic countries occupy the status of protected minorities [zimmi]?
Answer: As long as they obey the laws and regulation of the Islamic state under whose support they live, and do nothing against it, they occupy the station of those who have a treaty [with the Islamic state].
[Question 1051]: Is it permitted for a Muslim to take as property an infidel, be it a People of the Book or otherwise, man or woman, in the lands of the infidel or in the lands of the Muslims?
Answer: This is not permitted, even if the infidels attack the lands of Islam and some of them fall captive to the Muslims. The fate of the prisoners of war is in the hands of the Islamic ruler and individual Muslims do not have the right to determine the fate of the prisoners.
[Question 1052]: Is it permitted to shed the blood of a prominent individual assuming that the defense of the pure Islam of Muhammad (peace and salutations be upon him) depends upon it?
Answer: According to the sharia, it is forbidden to unjustly shed the blood of a prominent individual. This is in contradiction to the commandments of the pure Islam of Muhammad (peace and salutations be upon him). Thus, the above statement that the protection of the pure Islam of Muhammad (peace and salutations be upon him) is dependent upon the shedding of the blood of innocent people is meaningless. But if what is meant by this is measures taken according to the duties of jihad in the way of exalted God and the defense of the pure Islam of Muhammad (peace and salutations be upon him) in cases in which it is likely that he will be killed, this assumption has various cases. If in the determination of this subject he feels that the Islamic entity is in danger, he must rise up in defense of Islam, even though this puts himself in danger.