Chapter I: General Definitions and Principles
Article 1: All employers, workers, and productive, industrial, service, and agricultural institutions are obliged to follow this law.
Article 2: A worker, according to this law, is someone who works at the demand of an employer in any way in exchange for the receipt of compensation for his efforts including salary, wages, shares, or any other benefits.
Article 3: The employer is a figure, actual or legal, at the demand of whom and on whose account the worker works in exchange for the receipt of compensation for his efforts. Managers and officials, and, in general, all those who are responsible for a workplace are considered the employer’s representatives and the employer is responsible for all agreements into which the aforementioned representatives enter with the workers. Should the employer’s representative enter into an agreement outside his powers and the employer not accept it, he is responsible to the employer for this
Article 4: The workplace is a place in which the workplace [sc: worker] performs his employer’s or his representative’s work (industrial, agricultural, mining, construction, transportation, transport, service, mercantile, productive, public resource, etc.). All institutions which require work related to a workplace, such as houses of prayers, lunchrooms, cooperatives, nursery schools, kindergartens, pharmacies, public baths, trade schools, libraries, literacy classes and other educational centers, resources related to Islamic councils and societies and the workers’ Basij, athletics centers, and means of private transportation, etc. are included as workplaces.
Article 5: All workers, employers and their representatives, work instructors, and even workplaces are included in the provisions of this law.
Article 6: According to Item 4 of Article 43 and Item 6 of Article 2 and Articles 19, 20, and 38 of the Constitution, the Islamic Republic of Iran forbids compelling people to do a fixed task and exploiting others. The people of Iran, of every ethnic group or tribe, enjoy equal rights, and color, race, language, etc. shall not infer privilege. Every Iranian, man or woman, is equal in being supported by the law and everyone has the right to choose the work for which he is inclined and which is not in violation of Islam, the public interest, and the rights of others.