Manuchehr Mohseni. Examining Social and Cultural Awareness, Attitudes, and Beliefs in Iran [Barresi-ye Agahi-ha Negaresh-ha va Raftar-ha-ye Ejtema’I va Farhangi dar Iran] . Tehran: Mo’avenat-e Padjuheshi va Amuzeshi-ye Vezarat-e Farhang va Ershad-e Eslami (1376 [1997-1998]).
This book is based on a national survey of the values and attitudes of Iranians, with the target population of Iran’s urban population. Samples were taken randomly from 10 Iranian cities, and the final number of respondents was 3540.
The questions cover respondents’ attitudes toward topics such as family and marriage, media, civic participation, leisure time, gender roles, the economy, social values and religious behaviors, the rule of law, and other countries. In each chapter, the author describes the distribution of different variables and also looks at the distribution across age, education, income, and marital status.
Here are some of the findings of the survey, Most people respect traditions about marriage. Among different criteria , accepting traditions and the conditional approval of parents are important in choosing a spouse. Television is the most important media source for getting news; comparing this survey with the survey in 1974 indicates that the importance of radio and personal interaction in finding news has reduced. Younger people learn the news through the press while older people are more likely to get through radio. Finally, as the level of education increases, social isolation increases.