In order to determine indices for the purpose of establishing and expanding seminaries such that it will encompass issues like regional needs, population, the ability to recruit a sufficient number of applicants, maintenance of relative balance in establishing seminaries, and the precise separation between the conditions for establishing different levels of the Seminary – with the goal of “systematizing the affairs of establishing and expanding”, “leveling the process of issuing establishment permits and abstinence from enacting fleeting preferences”, “particular consideration for cultural and economically deprived regions and resolving their problems”, and “proper, logical, and persuasive responsiveness to applicants for establishing seminaries” – the “bylaw for establishing and the balanced expansion of seminaries for sisters” has been prepared in the following manner:
Article 1
Creation and expansion of seminaries for sisters at two academic levels:
– General Degree
– Advanced degree (level 3)
will take place in consideration of the below policies and criteria:
A. Seminaries for General Degree:
Article 2
Establishing seminaries for sisters in counties that have a population of at least 50,000 is possible;
Clause: In a city that lacks the necessary population and there are no seminaries for sisters within 30 kilometers, but including one or several cities nearby, the population reaches the minimum [of 50,000], founding a seminary is acceptable.
Article 3
The center may, for every population of 50,000 in each city or county, initiate the process of issuing a permit for one seminary there;
Clause 1: Adhering to the above ceiling for establishing new seminaries, in cities that already have seminaries, is nit necessary if applicants for them are at least three times the capacity of the existing schools and a new class.
Clause 2: Founding schools in special zones [1] are exempt from the above criteria, and in each case after presentation and review in the “founding workshop”, in accordance with the related issues and the related case, a decision will be made.
Article 4
Capacity of seminaries, in case all other necessary conditions are met, in considering the level of demand by applicants, will be determined in the related workshop, although the capacity of each course cannot be less than 12 and greater than 35 people;
Article 5
Creation of dormitories or providing and managing a location for residency of students from outside the city is of a high priority, dependant on attaining a permit for accepting dormitory students.
Article 6
It is essential to anticipate the location of the dormitory within the building of the seminary in counties that have one seminary.
Article 7
In large cities and centers of provinces that have several seminaries, anticipating the need for dormitories in some pre-existing or new seminaries is necessary for the use of students from villages and surrounding districts.
B. Seminaries for the Advanced Degree (level 3)
Article 8
Issuance of a permit for establishing Advanced Degree (level 3) seminaries for sisters is possible in counties that benefit from at least four times the capacity that is needed for one class.
Clause 1: The minimum capacity for formation of a class for this degree is 8 people.
Clause 2: Setting up at least one Advanced Degree (level 3) program in each province is necessary.
Article 9
This bylaw – containing 9 articles and 5 clauses – was legislated by the Administrative Council of the Central Management of Seminaries for Sisters, on the dates 19/8/87 [11/9/2008], 13/11,87 [2/1/2009], 4/12/87 [2/22/2009], and 11/12/87 [3/1/2009], and 30/1/88 [4/19/2009].