Statement for 12 June
In the name of God, the Compassionate and the Merciful
The informed and vigilant people of Iran
The informed and conscientious presence and participation of you at polling stations of the tenth presidential election last year and taking advantage of the right to vote extensively by each one of you was a great move and an everlasting epic that would have returned the country’s future path from the dreadful downhill, in which it was captive and today has become more obvious, to a bright future and the climax of prosperity that the great nation of Iran deserves, but unfortunately tainted hands falsified your pure votes and the results were announced in such a way that shocked everyone and initiated the unified protests of you informed people in order to get back your lost right, however great sadness that your peaceful presence and rallies, instead of being heard and paid attention to, was suppressed and you forever glorious nation paid dearly over the past year to get back your stolen right. Your great and unforgettable rally on Khordaad 25 (June 15) of last year is the evidence of the truth that even passage of time cannot reduce its value. The justified expectations of you dear people prompted us that to request to have a rally for the anniversary of the unforgettable day of Khordaad 22 (June 12, the anniversary of tenth presidential election) in the national epic of election in order to safeguard that stolen epic and to follow-up on the justified demands of a prosperous nation that despite all suppressions did not wash hands from peaceful ways and hopefully seeks a bright future for its county and the country of its children. So we also based on the Article 27 of Islamic Republic’s constitution that clearly states the unconditional right of the people to hold [peaceful] protests and demonstrations and in order to prevent tension, not giving any excuses to the repressors and providing safety and security of the people, handed in the letter of request for permit to hold demonstration on the anniversary of epic 22 Khordaad (12 June) from Imam Hossein Square to Azadi Square to the office of the Governor of Tehran and the Interior Ministry in a timely manner but unfortunately with endless made up excuses this request has been stayed unanswered.
Therefore a number of reformist parties and groups in order to eliminate the made up excuses handed in a similar request to the Interior Ministry which the trend of that process and the final answer of the Interior Ministry to this request has been stated in the latest letter of the representatives of reformist parties, and they have announced that they have no hope to obtain any permit from this administration.
Now that there is only 48 hours left to the time planned for the demonstration, by considering the report of the representatives of reformist parties [who were following up on the request for permit] and also for the safety of the people we are announcing that the planned demonstration will not be held. It is obvious that with the dark history of the past year in repressing the protestors who their only crime was to demand their vote in a peaceful manner and also the reports received indicating that once again hardliners and repressors are being organized to attack the defenseless and innocent people, we ask the people and the protesters to demand and follow up on their rightful demands and requests through less costly and more effective methods.
It is self-deceptive and naive to believe that in your artillery with all the threats, insults and lies you were able to repress and subjugate people’s protest movement. Despite the deafening claims of the so-called national TV and Radio stations and the pro-government press giving the impression that the protesting forces of the Iranian people’s movement has diminished, the very same individuals involved in these claims as well as the policy makers more than anyone realize this fact that the movement is alive and the true honour of it belongs to those who despite all the threats and dangers, the insecurities and also knowing the potential life threatening and financial consequences still have not given up on their rightful protest and even their simple announcement of demonstration makes the repressors shiver from fear and follows the wide scale and comprehensive security and police mobilization.
This is the tradition of an illegitimate government that does not give permit to hold demonstrations to anyone but to their own supporters but given all these the path that you the great nation of Iran have chosen cannot be blocked; and you will brighten your role in this path with creativity and we also in all aspects until the emergence of the bright morning of tomorrow will be with you and will accompany you.
Speaker or Agency: Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi
Title: statement for 12 June
Language: English, Persian
Western Date: 10 June 2010
Persian Date: 20 Khordad 1389
Source: http://www.sahamnews.org/?p=3588, http://www.facebook.com/ notes/mir-hossein-mousavi-myr-hsyn-mwswy/byanyh-mhm-myrhsyn-mwswy-w-mhdy-krwby-dr-astanh-22-khrdad-mousavis-and-karroubis/399076177605