Karoubi’s second letter to Ayatollah Hashemi-Rafsanjani: “What should have been done in the Assembly of Experts, was not done”
Karoubi in his second important letter to Ayatollah Hashemi-Rafsanjani (Head of the Assembly of Experts) strongly criticized the performance of the Assembly of Experts regarding their duty to overlook Supreme Leader’s performance.
In part of this letter he stated that:
“We see that the meeting of the Assembly of Experts was held and you (Ayatollah Hashemi-Rafsanjani) not only didn’t make any criticism regarding the current situation of the country but didn’t even reflect any criticism [which you should have] according to your duty, and it is even more strange that you were absent in the closing session of the meeting of this importance and in this critical situation!”l
He also added that: “[I have] no fear that some deceitful propaganda in the name of Iran and homeland attack me from land and sky and spend public recourses for their insults and get paid for it; and transfer the “national” media to a political and partisan attack machine against me; and even taint the Friday Prayer platform with their political agenda and make it a podium to attack the allies of Imam Khomeini.”
Speaker or Agency: Mehdi Karroubi
Language: English and Persian
Western Date: 28 September 2009
Persian Date: 6 Mehr 1388
Physical/Electronic Location: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=145564177605&ref=mf
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Tags: karroubi, letter, rafsanjani
Date Last Updated: 12 February 2010